Post Requirements

Setting expectations for artists and influencers.
Written by Calix Nova
Updated 3 years ago

On SpaceLoud, we believe in full creative freedom for influencers. That's why we only have a few posting requirements, which you'll see below.

Post requirements:

For Instagram Stories and Snapchat Stories:

  • Use the artist's music in the story.
  • Add a swipe up link with the URL the artist shared.
  • Tag the artist in the post.

For Instagram Reels, Posts, TikTok posts, and YouTube Posts:

  • Use the artist's music in the post. Select it from IG Sounds or TikTok Sounds library when possible.
  • Tag the artist in the post.

The only time there would be requirements beyond these is if you agreed to something specific with the artist.

After the post has be up for ~24-hours, upload the stats (statistics) screenshot to SpaceLoud. This is so the artist can see how many people viewed, clicked, etc.

Once you do that, the campaign is complete, and payment is on its way to your bank account. It usually arrives in 2-business days (or less).

Good luck!

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