Artist FAQ
Artist FAQProfile Setup
Add a Payment Method
Do this before creating a campaign or booking an influencer directly.
Add Your Phone Number
We'll only text you if it's important, like when an influencer sends you an offer.
How to cancel or pause your subscription
We hope you'll come back in the future.
How to Create a Campaign
Create a campaign and receive proposals from influencers to promote your music.
How to update or end your campaign
You can update any of the campaign's fields.
How to turn off SMS notifications
We recommend leaving these on, but there is a way to turn them off.
Book Influencers Directly
An easy way to choose exactly which influencers you work with.
Bookings: Proposals Sent, Approved & In Progress, Declined, Expired, and Completed
Explaining the different between each proposal status.
What will the posts look like?
Should I give influencers creative direction?
It's why.
How to Download and Repost Influencer Content
Make the most of your campaigns...